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Craig Y Nos Castle


Discover firsthand accounts of the unforgettable experiences our visitors have had here at Craig Y Nos where the magic comes to life through the words of our cherished guests.

Our guest comments and heartfelt stories illuminate the essence of our remarkable castle and the moments that make it truly special.

What our guests say

“An in believably stunning place and location. We joined a haunting experience for a night and had a fantastic time. The food was delicious catering for our vegan and veggie diets. The room was beautiful and cosy and the beds comfy. The staff are friendly and helpful. We did a history tour as well with one of the owners as our guide and were blown away by the history of the place.”

“An in believably stunning place and location. We joined a haunting experience for a night and had a fantastic time. The food was delicious catering for our vegan and veggie diets. The room was beautiful and cosy and the beds comfy. The staff are friendly and helpful. We did a history tour as well with one of the owners as our guide and were”